SOIL REPORT: The moisture content

 SOIL REPORT: The moisture content


Abstract: This blog post is a report of laboratory soil analysis to find the water content which is a coefficient needed for soil classification.

Definition: Moisture content (w) is also referred to as water content and is defined as the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of solids in a given volume of soil:

w = (ww) / (ws)

Apparatus:  We use an aluminum can, wet soil, brush, balance, and oven.

Objective: Determine the moisture content


1) Use the brush to clean the can.

2) Determine the mass of each can without soil.

3) Determine the mass of each can with the wet soil.


4) Put each can in the oven for 15 hours at least.


5) Determine the mass of each can with the dry soil.

6) Find the moisture content.

Data collection and calculation (manual results):

Can number

Mass of can

Mass of can + wet soil

Mass of can + dry soil



53.12 g

43.27 g

Mass of wet soil = 53.12 – 4.21 = 48.91 g

Mass of dry soil = 43.27 – 4.21 = 39.06 g

Mass of water = 48.91 – 39.06 = 9.85 g

Water content w= (Mw) / (Ms) = 9.85 / 39.06 = 0.25217

W= 25.217 %

Discussion:  Because we didn’t have enough time, we use only one simple


1)    Soil lab (BAU)

2)    Book: principles of geotechnical engineering (25th edition)
